We feel so comfortable in nature because it doesn't judge us. -
Friedrich Nietzsche
My name is Ramona Kohout.
I am a state-certified designer for floral art.
The idea behind Mona's Flower Marrow arose from my project work at the state technical school for flower art in Weihenstephan.
In the summer of 2020 I started with Mona's Flower Marrow as a small business owner, from mid-October 2021 it has now become a shop.
It's not a big label so far, but that's my goal for the future. During my project work, my logo and a concept for workshops and a lot more were created.
When people deal creatively with plants, parts of plants and flowers, they can release extraordinary powers and help people to develop themselves. Plants also increase your own well-being.
These aspects of them magically attract me. For me, nature stands for the individual and honest presentation of oneself. It is my aim to experience precious and instructive moments with and in nature. This gives us the chance to develop and to strengthen our own being.
For me, doing something good for people can only be achieved through harmony with nature. In order to be able to do this, I pay attention to the honest processing of nature, which gives us such treasures. In addition to the high aesthetic standards, my focus is also on the responsible use of my materials. This includes a sustainable and seasonal floral design.
My wish is to be able to get people excited about flowers and plants and to give them special and emotional moments.
Ramona Kohout
media-savvy hashtag presenter
with a heart for people
On the trail of the floral essence
nature magic
Jens Gramberg-Madel
Photo: Miriam Kuschel Photography
Brief Facts:
a genuine 'Münchner Kindl'
24 years old
nature lover
a heart for inclusion
Photo: Mona and Reiner Photography
Typisch Mona...
In meinen Lieblingsläden in denen ich gerne shoppen gehe, gibt es Bücher, Papeterie oder Werkzeug.
Ich liebe es mich konstant fortzubilden und meinen Wissen stets zu vergrößern oder aufzufrischen.
Klare, natürliche und bewusste Gestaltung, entsprechen meinem Geschmack. Daher fühle ich mich in den nordischen Ländern wie z.B Estland total wohl.